Jason Grishkoff
Feb 28, 2018
Almost An Artist might be selling himself short with his artist name because this one's quite artistic in a Seu Jorge kinda way.
What's kinda interesting is that Julian Cassia's artist bio describes his sound as indie rock in the vein of Phoenix. Ce...
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Hannah Levy
Jan 11, 2012
Maya Laner of Local Hero (we featured their single "Lady Wisconsin" back in December) recently recorded the sweetest little cover song we ever did hear. Her rendition of The Ronettes' 1963 classic ""Why Don't They Let Us Fall In Love" is delicate, an...
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Gabe Kahan
Jul 12, 2018
Natty Reeves just dropped "Good As Gold," a slowed down acoustic ballad for all you bedridden kids who just want to stare out your window and feel the breeze.
The way the lightly plucked chords mix with the Bristol-based artist's voice is delectable...
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May 22, 2013
The content of this post has been removed by request of the original author. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you're keen to find out more information about the artist, we suggest hitting the download link above, which should connect you to th...
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