We've become well acquainted with mashups these past few years. From Danger Mouse to Girl Talk, the literal mashing of tracks and hooks from all a manner of genres has become all but commonplace. But listening to
It's A Corporate World, the debut full-length album from Detroit duo Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., I find myself contemplating a mashup of a far more interesting form "” a complete genre mashup based purely on the musical interests and inclinations of two very talented musicians.
From parred down folk to dreamy pop to electro beats, the tracks on
Corporate World seems to flow in and out of various sounds without jarring the listener out of their listening reverie. Seeing as I've noticed Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. for their remixes most recently, the back-to-basics approach to much of their songwriting was a surprise in itself. Paired with technical experiments and layers of sound, the complexity of their tracks is subtle but incredibly effective.
You can get a great taste for the album on the opening track, "Morning Thought." Check out a stream of the whole album over at
Paste Magazine. I'm a particular fan of "Skeletons," dreamy and folk-like with decidedly innovative touches.