Dylan Heneck
Feb 23, 2018
As the heavens open up on Cape Town for what feels like the first time in years, the earth soaks, and we continue to rotate on this floating mass called Earth. As the problems we face on a global scale abate, if not only...
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Jonathan Pan
May 19, 2020
The music from the genre-bending/blending band from Houston, Texas reminds me a lot of that scene from the movie, Ratatouille, when the rat takes a bite of one food, then another bite from a different piece of food...
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Jami Selikow
Nov 26, 2021
With South Africa being red-listed across the globe, families in disarray regarding their holiday plans, longing to see loved ones, and a general unknowing, it's a sweet relief to be able to stumble upon the likes ...
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Morgan Hume
Aug 3, 2020
The only question I'm left with after reaching the end of this song is... who the heck is Bella?
This track is chock-full of swanky guitar and f...
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