Comso Sheldrake is a 24 year old from London who describes himself as a "vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and producer." I'd say that's a relatively modest description. According to his website, he "performs on banjo, loop station, keyboards, double bass, drums, penny whistle, sousaphone, accordion, and many more."
Not only does he produce his own music andsing the vocals, he's recently been involved with the TedX Music Project (his masterpiece "Interspecies Collaboration" was the most popular tune in the project for two weeks running), and he's worked on a number of remixes, available via his SoundCloud.
If that wasn't enough, he's also teacher, provides workshops, facilitates youth camps in both Europe and North America, and while he's not composing music for a series of Beckett plays at the Young Vic or doing any other of the above, he's writing music for children's hospitals and hospices.
WOW. Seriously, wow.
And it's good news, because his music is good. It's unique; his voice is quirky and reminds me of Bombay Bicycle Club. "The Moss" is like a musical fable, where the listener is taken on an instrumental journey while listening to a story.
This most recent single is being released on April 21 via Transgressive Records and he's touring Europe over the next couple of months. If you can make it to a show, please go on my behalf! I can't wait to hear more from him this year and think he has great things to come.