Zach Connett
Mar 22, 2014
Sometimes, you need to throw percussion and beats out the window and try to find tranquility. At least that's what Connor Youngblood attempted to do on his most recent single. After listening to "Mercury, " I can confidently say that Mr. Youngblood u...
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Justin Lam
Aug 20, 2013
Honestly, I don't think I will ever be disappointed by anything Antonio Paul releases. "Coloured Screens" is the newest single from the Bunbury duo, and although it may be a step in a different direction, I'm absolutely loving the electronic rock vib...
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Justin Lam
Jul 25, 2013
You can't listen to the first ten seconds of Saint Motel's latest single "My Type" and tell me that you don't like it. The L.A. quartet is back and bigger than ever with this insanely brassy single that will no doubt get you going for the coming day ...
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