Australia has produced an abundance of indie dance-pop in recent times, with acts like Bag Raiders and Miami Horror joining the likes of Cut Copy with international recognition. Cadillac may be the next in line if their debut EP is anything to go by.
Made up of a core of Hayden Luby and Antonio Pomponio, who split their time between their respective cities of Sydney and Melbourne, they have given their music a real 80s disco twist. Joined on stage by Harley Goodsell (vocals), Lee Nania (guitar) and Joel Farland (drums), they've got their live act sorted nicely too.
Their EP is a delight -- dream-pop made how it should be, with plenty of upbeat groove. First single "Dreams" is the pick of the bunch, haunting vocals drifting over just the right amount of synth. "Endless Summer" reminds me of an 80s film score, very Scarface-esque, while "Past Midnight" is another dance-floor classic in the making.
If this success of their predecessors is anything to go by, we'll be hearing a lot more of Cadillac very soon. In the meantime, you'll get plenty of enjoyment from their debut.