Joshua Mellin
Dec 21, 2010
Know what I've found to be the most efficient introduction to Elliott Smith? Remember that really intense scene in the Royal Tenenbaums where Richie Tenenbaum (played by Luke Wilson) attempts suicide? That chilling scene where he very calmly takes ou...
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Philip Friedman
Oct 6, 2013
Living in a foreign country can definitely give you an interesting perspective on life, or at the very least make you a bit of an expert in geography. This is especially true for singer-songwriter Spark Alaska.Lorenzo Cook, the man behind Spark Alas...
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Jason Grishkoff
Oct 10, 2014
Today marks the wrap-up of four months of travel. Or is it 18 months of travel? I don't know...
Basically, in June I left South Africa after having spent 8 months there, and headed out on a whirlwind tour of California, Idaho, Utah, London, Alicante...
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Philip Friedman
Feb 13, 2014
A few months ago, I came across "Hidden Edelweiss," a beautiful acoustic gem from singer-songwriter Spark Alaska. While Lorenzo Cook (the main behind the musical guise) has been busy in school, he hasn't been too busy to continue writing his simple...
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