I love this band. Goddamn, Brainstory if you're reading this, please sign me?! I haven't been this excited since that Mcbaise review last week. Before that, let me think, it was probably earlier that same day when I realized summer is definitely my favorite season.
Summer is great and you all should know more about what excites me:
For one, we know, Brainstory,
Their music video below,
Jennifer Love-Hewitt from the '90s (so, her '90s version),
The fact that How I Met Your Mother actually had a final season, even though it was a season too late, I welcome that the producers put an end to it -- it could have been so great.
Jason Grishkoff
Jul 29, 2013
Wahoo, another new song from the Arctic Monkeys! I have a feeling plenty of you are going to go pretty apeshit for this one (pun intended), particularly because it's quite a bit better than their previous single "Do I Wanna Know?"
This second single...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 8, 2014
You know that moment when a song comes along and just stops you in your tracks? Yeah, this one did just that.
Sure, I've used a similar introduction on a number of my reviews, but believe me: this really is *that* good.
Today, The Kooks released th...
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Hugh McClure
Apr 13, 2012
Yet another incredibly talented Brisbane band, Millions is building a reputation for producing tantalizing indie rock. The four-piece was formed from members of three local bands and were quickly picked to perform at the Splendour in the Grass Festiv...
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Christiana Bartolini
Oct 17, 2011
Austin's own Wild Child are keeping things classic and sweet with their new single "Silly Things." Not only is this single beautifully orchestrated, its lyrics and meaning are intriguingly meaningful and relatable.
Wild Child has created a heart-wre...
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