Tobias Handke
Mar 6, 2014
For those of you who can't wait until April 6 to get your Game Of Thrones fix, you'll be happy to know that this Friday marks the release of the Catch The Throne mixtape. That's right, a hip-hop mixtape that's Game Of Thrones themed!Featuring the lik...
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Chaze Matakala
Feb 25, 2014
In case you missed it, Outkast have announced an epic 40-stop summer festival tour in celebration of two decades funk and soul that rattled the foundations of hip hop. The tour will kick off at Coachella in California, the sunny home of remixers Shoe...
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Rhett Flowers
Dec 8, 2012
Unfortunately, due to some legal disputes, Little Dragon's Yukimi Nagano wasn't featured on Big Boi's latest record performing the song "Mama Told Me." But they did lay down the track, it just wasn't given the go ahead by the record company. Luckily,...
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sweeney kovar
Aug 1, 2011
What is there to say about Amy Winehouse? I can't quite seem to find an appropriate entryway into this post. Should I speak on the sublime talent and emotive voice she possessed? Maybe I should take this chance to speak on the countless women of colo...
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