September begins and the end of the year closes in fast on us all. Next thing you know we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving Day with our families, Hanukkah and Christmas will be blurs, and champagne toasts and kisses with our crushes will have passed us by.
This time of the year is a bit melancholic for me now that I'm adulting and all. Back during my school days it wasn't this way at all, but that's life. The more of it that you actually live the more ups and downs you experience. Each down feeling like it's the worst one ever, and then each up swooping in as if it were the best.
"Marching," by trifecta, Bethany Lamb, Elle Ray and Mr. Saccardo feels just like that. The beginning slowly somber with its reflective and pensive tones. The progression towards good times, but the underlying message very prominent through vocal performance and vibe.
“Life is not easy, and is not meant to be. But we must remember that we’re are not alone in this planet. Our friendships make us stronger and it's important to cherish and nurture the beautiful and genuine relationships we have in our lives."
People will come and people will go. Springs will arrive and winters will leave us, but if we are living then the ups are worth every down. That's what I get from and feel from this.