Following in the footsteps of electronic leaning crooners more in the business of evoking atmospheric, feels-laden goosebumps, Benji Lewis's backdrop on "For You" is emotionally entrancing.
The best tracks snag and pull on our inner whimsy: electing to trigger something carnal to our very being, aiming for the soul, and often. Benji Lewis, as a singer and vibe maker, zeroes in on this human desire to feel vulnerability as we grow lost in the art we consume. "For You," which paints a portrait as expertly as contemporary legends such as James Blake or Daughter, specifically targets our lustful yearning to be understood by the ones we love and/or care deeply about.
Set within the context of a bubbling, ethereal landscape where his vocals meander like wispy clouds in a sunny field, "For You" builds to a downtempo, emotional foreground that strikes chords both melancholic and honest. On the wings of a piano that haunts the melody, this tune is brutal and heart aching in the best ways possible asking us to actively participate while our feelings and memories and desires rush into the center of our minds.