Oh Beirut, how we welcome you back with open arms (and ears). It's been far too long and I'm noticing that you haven't strayed far from your roots. We like your style and it's nice to hear that you're sticking to it.
Beirut will be debuting their next album,
The Rip Tide, on August 30 -- oh joy! If you're expecting to hear a drastically and incomparably different album from Beirut's past, just stop. Zachary Condon is doing what he does best, and while some may find that monotonous, I'm sure there will be some pleasant reception nevertheless.
The Rip Tide consists of many upbeat songs and even some complimentary synth effects to thicken the sound while keeping the balance of tastefully executed tunes. But make no mistake, Beirut has stuck to many of the instruments that got them to where they are now. The album as a whole sounds a bit more modern than Zachary's past work, but it's nice to see him slightly experimenting within his realm of creativity.
I can see how the fan's reception of this album can go either way; some may get bored, some may loyally gobble it up.If you find yourself completely insatiable for Beirut's instinctive sound, you may just get your fill with
The Rip Tide. Listen for yourself on August 30, and get a preview here.