Reed Albrittain
Feb 13, 2020
London-born producer, Jack Ritchie, aka Bearcubs, has dropped a hot single ahead of his sophomore album,Early Hours, which will be released May 15. "Overthinking" is undeniably fresh with each turn providing a new layer or element. Underlined by beau...
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Sarah Jukes
Aug 13, 2014
It’s been several months since we last heard original music from upcoming Danish producer Galimatias.
“Ocean Floor Kisses” came out today, along with persistent rumors that Galimatias has been busy working on an upcoming EP.
When I think about the ...
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Dylan Heneck
Jul 23, 2020
The risen veins are ridges on his arm. On which, each hair that falls over them an endless breaking wave. Fingers clasp the handle of a quarter full mug. The air, like the coffee, neither warm nor cold. He lifts it...
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Elizabeth Walker
Jul 28, 2014
Gorgon City is a future garage duo comparable to Disclosure or Kidnap Kid, wholly unsurprising since they are all from lovely London.
Their track "Here For You" was released recently, and fellow London-dwelling producer Bearcubs has dropped his take...
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