Jason Grishkoff
Sep 18, 2012
In case you weren't positive how serious KOPPS are about being sexy, look no further than their official website: That's right folks, there are three x's in that domain. You might want to also check out their music...On September 25th ...
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Lauren Sloss
Nov 11, 2010
Ahh, the mixtape. An entity for which I have so much nostalgia! Though really, mixtapes precede me: I was a creator and recipient of mix cds (what do the kids do today? I have a crush on you so I've made you a playlist, let me email it to you?). But ...
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Hugh McClure
Jan 7, 2013
Beach House is currently wowing fans on their current Australian tour, but there's a local band making music the dream pop duo would be proud of. Jay Kranz and Virginia Bott recently released their first single under their project Brighter Later (hav...
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Aaron Blum
Dec 12, 2013
Young Summer is DC-based singer-songwriter Bobbie Allen, who truly wears her heart on her sleeve. Her music is passionate and honest, her voice is smooth and soulful, and she's definitely one of the most promising up-and-coming artists I've heard."W...
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