Brontë Martin
Feb 6, 2013
Fauxe is an electronic artist from Singapore who has been focusing his musical attention on curating electronic beats and music for the past three years. He strives to "recreate the sounds that come out of my head," which tends to hover around the do...
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Anu Rana
Nov 25, 2012
Little Dragon's "Ritual Union" has over a million hits on YouTube... but dare I say I like this remix better?Hear me out. I dig the fast, funky groove of the original, but the incessant percussion from start to finish leaves little room to breathe in...
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Ashley Hefnawy
Jul 15, 2014
Odesza has unveiled a brand new track that will appear on their recently announced new album. My attempt to describe it for you will hopefully and genuinely attempt to encapsulate the experience I had during first listen.
This track took me down a n...
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Nov 25, 2012
Since the grand slam of a movie Drive created its own genre of sound, I've been plenty guilty of saying, "This totally sounds like it should have been in Drive."But in this case, it's hardly a coincidence, since Chromatics were on the Drive soundtrac...
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