Dylan Heneck
Oct 24, 2018
Somewhere between my haircut and lunch I'm writing this review, which means I'm both aggravated and hungry. In a serendipitous way though this song is perfect for my mood. As avid dance music fans will tell you, their favorite tracks help them get lo...
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Dylan Heneck
Jan 15, 2018
Wow. So, I'm not sure who to credit for this beautiful song (because I'm trying to find a copy to buy). It's a William Onyeabor track for sure, it's just been redone by someone named Man Tear. Was it then remixed by all those Nords?
Someone needs t...
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Dylan Heneck
Jun 9, 2017
If different body parts were represented by musical instruments, the booty would definitely be the bass drum. It's probably best to steer away from labeling other limbs, as this exercise can quickly get inappropriate.
In that case, lets really hone ...
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