May 10, 2013
The content of this post has been removed by request of the original author. We apologize for the inconvenience.If you're keen to find out more information about the artist, we suggest hitting the download link above, which should connect you to thei...
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Dylan Heneck
Oct 23, 2019
Our comments section isn't very popular, but someone recently took to it as a means of letting everyone who checks it know that a song I posted was from last year. Does that make the song not enjoyable?Anyways, I'v...
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Dylan Heneck
Feb 26, 2018
Shoutout to everyone in the world who has tonsils but wish they didn't. It was a pretty cool day in history when God decided everyone should have a pair of testicles in their throat.
I'm really fine though. I'm only telling you about my current stat...
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Cassie Morien
Oct 22, 2015
Life is a strange game. You think you have things figured out, everything in its pretty little place, when suddenly the earth quakes and shatters. In the fallout, you desperately cling to what you know. Me? I snake my arms around music and hold on fo...
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