Philadelphia's Arc in Round is wasting no time with their single, "Hallowed." They go into it hard, they sustain a melodic and atmospheric momentum, and they exit heavily. Perfect for a rainy day.
"Hallowed" is a track taken from their upcoming self-titled album. There's a lot going on within this song; each instrument is weaving in and out of each other while enveloping a dark and heavy vibe. The bass is at a constant hum, the guitar is mathematical and soaked in pedal effects, the synth buzzes brightly, the drums skip and scuffle and the vocals are hauntingly eerie. This is the type of song that resides deep in the dark parts of your mind, heart, soul, or anything that can be shaken to the core.
I'm really curious as to how Arc in Round's live performance is. I imagine it's heavy and bellowing. If you're in the Philadelphia area, you might be able to catch them live. If not, stay tuned for their upcoming album which is set to release on June 5!