"Wow". That's all I could say after taking a listen to this album, "Songs for a Sinking Ship". It is a downright enjoyable music experience that uses the time-tested formula of great vocals, catchy hooks, and well orchestrated instrumentals to give the listener a true gem of an album. Obviously, if you're not a fan of female vocalists, you should probably stop listening to this and hit the "shuffle" button above to go to a new post. But if you, like me, love the throaty sound that's popular in lady-fronted bands these days (Heartless Bastards, Yeah Yeah Yeahs), you are in for a treat.
I'm fairly certain that it'll be Smith's enchanting articulation and a hint of voodoo blues that drive this album all the way to the bank. The combination of simple harmonies and this little, awesome voice make for a great listen. "Songs for a Sinking Ship" rolls along at a tempered pace and is somewhat predictable, but that certainly doesn't take away from the quality of the work. Old fashioned, yes, but definitely not in a bad way.
ASATGPS (< fan of Acronyms) is the kind of band everyone would want to hear in their smoky local tavern: a low key group of talented musicians fronted by a cute girl. Perfect. To cap this off, my suggestion would be to get a hold of this album, dim the lights, pour a glass of your favorite single malt, and enjoy a thorough serenading compliments of Ms. Smith.