Nothing much from my end. t's Monday. There's been new Anderson .Paak out since Friday. I'm currently wondering if there are any siblings who were ever named the same name. That must have some pretty interesting effects on your psyche.
"The Chase" isn't a song that keeps me coming back for a fourth listen, it is fun to feel this funky though -- something .Paak cultivates regularly. The album is ok. Definitely go have a listen, it's even up on SoundCloud. An interesting strategy; one that I had a conversation about this morning.
If you've ever made a CD mix for your car, etc., how many artists and track names do you remember? What about songs you pick up and add to your Spotify playlists? I did this test recently and it's pretty interesting how the way we consumer music alters our fandom. I'm glad to see a big artist like Anderson .Paak dishing out highly anticipated release on a free platform, maybe not because he needs deeper recognition, but because it supports a platform that fosters more thorough engagement with smaller artists' work.