Give praise to the four leaf clover, whose story begins along the coastal hills of Ireland. Entrenched among swathes of other clovers, this one was no normal weed *smoke herb*.
As time passes, the clover remains amongst the three leafers. These are his brother; his sisters. Eventually the year's rains arrive, uprooting the clover and washing him downstream.
Could this be the end for our hero? This isn't the end for our hero. This clover has a much greater destiny. First as a light meal to the field mouse, which is a snack of the fierce Irish fisher eagle, whose cries inspire Patty, the local fisherman turn town drunk, turn misunderstood fiddler, whose music will eventually influence a small, local town boy.
Any guess as to who that local town boy might be? You're wrong if you thought it was Albany Lore, who is from South Africa, thus proving that you don't need some drawn out butterfly effect to come up with nice music.