Jason Grishkoff
Oct 11, 2012
In case you've been living under a rock, Ellie Goulding just released her new album Halcyon. It didn't do as well as Macklemore's debut (the same week), but it has certainly garnered a lot of attention through the blogosphere.One track that wasn't on...
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Aaron Blum
Mar 29, 2013
Carlos Serrano is no stranger to Indie Shuffle; we've posted many of his remixes. Today, he delivered a fresh Sultan + Ned Shepard vs. Zedd remix to my inbox, and it's just what I needed to bring me back up from mycaffeine come down.The track mashes ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 17, 2012
Roughly six years ago, Kaskade unleashed his fourth studio album Love Mysterious to the masses. The opening track "Be Still" quickly rocketed up the charts, hitting #4 on Billboard.And then today, Kaskade uploaded that track to Soundcloud. Just as we...
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Aaron Blum
Jun 10, 2013
Leave it to Kaskade to pump life back into the house music scene once again.Promoting his forthcoming album Atmosphere, which will be released this fall, Kaskade gives us his first single from the album aptly titled "Atmosphere." Let's face it, Kaska...
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