Vetiver is the kind of Northern California band whose sound is so west coast-drenched that it doesn't matter where the members are actually from. It doesn't matter because they've clearly been drinking enough of the California Kool-aid to ensure that every tone and lick is pure Golden State.
The Errant Charm, the band's fifth album, is a tight collection of tracks that evoke summer afternoons with the best of them. Anchored by a strumming acoustic guitar and the laid-back drawl of front man Andy Cabic, the album lilts and sways through its opening tracks. Breezy California folk-rock music, yes, but musically sophisticated and creative in its layers. It has the complex pop sensibilities of Pet Sounds, and similarly hints at the psychedelic.
Then, just as you're ready to be swept away on a wave of chill, the band plugs in it. And you'll hear no cry of "Judas!" from me, because their folk sound carries over wonderfully into the electric. "Wonder Why" and "Ride Ride Ride" are road anthems that do Jackson Browne proud "” the change of pace is captivating and effective (and fun as hell).
Vetiver clearly knows their strengths as a band, and The Errant Charm is a confident declaration of a sound and a style. It's cohesive and smooth, and overall an excellent listen from start to finish. It leaves you feeling refreshed, California style.