Last month, Phoria released their debut album Volition, which is slowly solidifying itself as one of my favorite releases of 2016. Sublime and nebulous, their gentle sound weaves folk songwriting and stark electronic atmospheres together.
Each subsequent track engulfs you within their extrasensory environment. The album is filled with buzzing waves and liquid vocals that swirl into spacious, gossamer sound design. It tackles frightfully honest subject matter from mortality to hope and, yes, loss.
Their chosen method of communication is one of sonic osmosis. While it can be difficult to make out the lyrics, the intention and feeling is adamantly clear, as if they're directly transmitting emotion from their fingertips to your mind.
If Phoria are not already on your list of artists to check out, add them immediately. Throw on some headphones in a still space and listen to Volition without interruption. See how it's subtly crafted shades affect you.