Update (7/11/2017): Netflix has confirmed that Stranger Things season 2 will be out October 27th.
Haven't heard of Stranger Things? Skip to the bottom and listen to music. If you have watched, you've probably binge-watched like the rest of us, and now you want to know more. Well, there is more, so read up:
If Stranger Things creeped you out, it was at least 50% due to the soundtrack (according to research compiled by Indie Shuffle). Netflix's hit miniseries, yeah, there were only 8 fucking episodes, was directed by the Duffer Brothers and scored by Austin-based band, S U R V I V E. The Brothers were apparently fans of Survive; the band has absolutely no idea. According to members Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, who spoke to Rolling Stone, an email that landed in their inbox containting a mock trailer of Stranger Things, that was pitched to Netflix, with their song "Dirge" used as the backtrack. The rest, as they say, is history.
Survive have been quite active in Austin, releasing tapes and vinyls -- which is probably why you haven't heard of them. Their sound revolves around the use of analog synths, which for those of you that don't know is actual hardware, rather than a program on a computer. This also explains why their sound fits Stranger Thing's retro vibe, and we must say that it does so perfectly.
Just imagine what this series would have been without the music. Now really contemplate what your life would be like without Survive. Their forthcoming album RR7349 is due out on Relapse Records this September, but you can pre-order.
Oh, right, and then there's this:
And this:
Image: [Polygon]