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Songs: 5

Jun 13, 2012

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I recently had the pleasure of attending the Mutek Festival in Montreal for the first time. Before flying out, I'd done a bit of research, and had certainly prepared myself to see some lesser-known electronic house acts. But what I wasn't prepared for was the most stimulating pairing of visuals and music that I've ever witnessed. Apart from the numerous audio/visual pairing exhibits to be rapturously ingested, I'd call particular attention to the "Satosphere," better described as a "projection dome." From the center, listeners were treated to the craziest 3D visuals, seamlessly paired with trance-like minimal electronica (think the oldschool WinAmp visual plugins, but 20 years evolved). In fact, the visuals were so enamoring that those in attendance couldn't even think about dancing -- their heads were too craned back to comprehend. And if I were to wager, I'd guess the majority weren't even on drugs. The Satosphere was jut the pinnacle of an amazing showcase of music, including outdoor shows and a temporarily-converted church venue (think pitch black, sitting in pews, while bleeps and bloops overtake your eardrums). Overall, an amazing introduction to an amazing festival. Sure, I'm speaking in hyperbole. You just had to be there. And if you missed it, you need to attend next year.