One thing that has the power to unite all people is the age-old quest for getting over a break-up. There have been many movies made and songs written as people have tried their best to ease the pain of unrequited love. Detroit native Kent Odessa has tried melding the two with his song "Honeymoon" and its accompanying video.
The song is an indie pop narrative of a man-turned-stalker who just isn't quite dealing with break-up in a very healthy manner. Thankfully, the track is plenty upbeat with some poppy goodness that has you feeling nothing but sorrow for the poor bastard. Throw in a bit of a nostalgia, as well as a psychedelic-sounding acoustic guitar ad drums, and you've got a winner. Warning: you might be reminded of some of the crazy things an ex has led you to do (don't be embarrassed, we've all been there).
As for the video... apparently there is no better remedy for sadness than a hilarious cartoon showing the ridiculousness that heartbreak can lead to. I'll leave you to go check it out for yourself on Kent Odessa's
YouTube channel at your own discretion. Just make sure to keep all your clothes on if you find yourself in a garbage chute.