Last seen in 2012, Jonny Telafone's return to Australia's always bustling music community has been long-awaited. The Melbourne-via-Canberra troubadour's unique brand of 'doom-pop' certainly isn't easy listening; he shares intimate details of his life through his lyric writing while sonically fluctuating between punk and R&B, singing in a deep, emotional drawl.
The unease created by Telafone's distinctive style might turn away the fainthearted upon first listen, but leaves the rest of us to reap the benefits of his increasingly evident genius. His new single, "The Prayer," is testament to this. Initially it takes the listener by surprise with it's dark, raw character, but by the end, it stays stuck in your head like any other good pop song would.
Jonny Telafone’s sophomore LP Romeo Must Cry will be released on Chapter Music in early 2015.