So, I totally missed the boat on this one, but that certainly won't take away from the greatness of this track by England's Heart-Ships.
Off their debut
EP 1, released way back in April of last year, these young gentleman from Leeds sure show that they have a strong grasp of who they are and what they want to do musically on "Pinhole of Light."
Kicking off with some good old-fashioned guitar licks and the desperation-fueled lyrics of Ryan Cooke, "Pinhole of Light" is a reminder of what indie rock used to be in the times of heroes like Modest Mouse, and quite possibly where it is headed today. Various elements gel together as cymbals crash, guitars fight for sonic space , and Cooke lays out every ounce of emotion in his soul. When I listen to him sing, all I can think of is David Byrne of The Talking Heads, balancing a fine line between theatrical and gritty.
You can get yourself a digital copy of Heart-Ships'
EP 1 right
here. Cheers to the transfer of the indie rock torch to a new generation!