OK. This dropped in the inbox the other day with the words "Here's a track for you that's not on Modular or Bang Gang". Bloody relieved too! Don't get me wrong, even though i did say that i'm going to (try) and do less posts on bands/acts that aren't on Modular or Bang Gang, it was just a relief to see that there is some good indie electro disco (whatever other genre you want to include) that isn't on the two aforementioned labels - Me And All My Friends
Jason Grishkoff
Aug 10, 2012
Okay, Capital Cities. You've done it. I wasn't planning to post this when you first sent it to me, but I just listened again. Properly.Turns out this is a pretty good cover. Worth of SOTD, in fact.The original version of "Nothing Compares 2 U" was wr...
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Jason Grishkoff
May 19, 2011
In case you missed the memo, we're changing our name from Indie Shuffle to Aussie Shuffle. Not only is it catchier, but we expect that our sports skills will vastly improve. Frankly, there's not much money to be earned in publishing and/or music, so ...
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Philip Friedman
Jan 27, 2014
I don't know about you, but I love pizza. In fact, I don't think there's any other type of food that can incorporate random elements like gooey cheese, tomato sauce, dough, and various types of meats and veggies into a literal slice of hot, steaming,...
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Justin Lam
Feb 5, 2014
I am slightly confused by this latest release from Strange Talk because it is apparently taken from their "upcoming" debut album, Cast Away. Correct me if i'm wrong, but they already released this album year ago in Australia... but a year later, real...
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