He's been known to ransack ghosts, drive golf carts while intoxicated, and get "Lost In Translation," but September 21 marks the date that the esteemed actor, idolized entertainer and Comedy Central's pick for "Greatest Smartass" was brought into this world.
As some of you might already know, my adoration for Bill Murray is something that I revel in proudly, and seeing as we both share the same birthday, I feel compelled to dedicate today's Friday Five not to me, but to the great man himself.
In honor of this divine creature, I give to you five tracks that I believe capture a unique take on Bill Murray's greatest musical moments. With that said friends, it's time to get your Friday faces on, indulge in a shot of birthday whiskey, and as the great man once said, "Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!" Cheers.