Back in August, Christiana previewed Cemeteries'
The Wilderness EP and really dug it. She said, and I quote:
"The Wilderness emits a crisp and cool effect with its many synths, acoustic and electric guitars, trickling drums and bellowing bass. It deserves a thorough listen and appreciation, that's for sure."
You heard the girl. This was so good, it deserved a thorough listen worthy of two posts. Christina chose the eponymous "The Wilderness" whereas I've gone for "Young Blood" -- a song that recently had a music video released.
The visual accompaniments to this track are sweet. It's eery, urban desolation. The track reminds me of something like Woods x Wild Nothing, which is fitting since I think that was the vibe Kyle was going for. You see, Kyle's based in Buffalo, which, in addition to horror films, is the inspiration for his sound. Fitting, like I said, as this sounds kinda what like zombies walking around the woods would listen to. Goth dream pop. But maybe not, because he recently tweeted "Seriously, the whole zombie thing needs to stop for a few years. The Walking Dead is fine but no more movies please." No zombie love anymore, Kyle? Okay, we can forget zombies and just stick to how good this goth pop is.
Cemeteries is goth pop by self-description, as they say "without the pageant of black make-up, pagan jewellery and capes [just] the funereal organs + chilling synths." I'm really into the surreal and mysterious soundscape that comes out of that -- tracks that sound so familiar yet so far away. Hardcore ambient, if you could say that makes sense.
You can watch the music video, directed by Alessandra Hoshor, on
Vimeo. Cemeteries is on
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