New music from Burial will always be greeted with excitement in these quarters, not least new EP
Street Halo/Kindred, even if it is a Japan-only release.
The EP contains three tracks released last year as
Street Halo EP and three new ones. One of these new tracks, "Ashtray Wasp," has got us really excited. An 11-minute leviathan of a track, this feels as though it's almost three or four tracks seamlessly stitched together, returning to a common thread holding them all together.
Presenting several ideas over a longer time period, Burial is yet again pushing musical boundaries. Instead of a much-hyped third album, it seems possible that he will continue to produce what can only be dubbed extended EP's -- the three tracks on this are almost half an hour in length and it seems that Burial might be taking this path in releasing his music as an extended body rather than an album of shorter tracks.