In this review the creator of Pitchfork claims this Band of Horses version "utterly derails the record with a brutal Disney-ized bluegrass." Pitchfork gave the album a favorable review, but it grinds my gears that anyone would say this about this song. Especially when it is Pitchfork, which has an undeniable influence in taste because of how many people they reach everyday. - Harmon Drive
Joshua Mellin
Oct 29, 2013
Hayley Coupon makes the fine choice of putting a bluegrass twist on one of our psychedelic favorites, Tame Impala's "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" from 2012's Lonerism. With just an acoustic guitar, banjo, and upright bass, the New York singer-son...
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Hannah Levy
Jan 11, 2012
Maya Laner of Local Hero (we featured their single "Lady Wisconsin" back in December) recently recorded the sweetest little cover song we ever did hear. Her rendition of The Ronettes' 1963 classic ""Why Don't They Let Us Fall In Love" is delicate, an...
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May 22, 2013
The content of this post has been removed by request of the original author. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you're keen to find out more information about the artist, we suggest hitting the download link above, which should connect you to th...
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Devin Duckworth
Sep 26, 2012
Mumford & Sons' sophomore album, Babel, seeded a lot of expectation on whether or not it would live up to the veneration of their first release, Sigh No More. Selling over 5 million copies of their debut album, these wrangling rock 'n rollers end...
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